Gary’s Back’s Back

And the story takes another turn a year on. Quite a remarkable tale.

We have been inundated with messages from across the board regarding Gary’s return.

But There’s more to this story than meets the eye, in fact, what you’ve read is only just the half of it.

On Thursday the 21st of March at the back of 9 we were sent a message by two members of the general public who’s family work for BEAR Scotland and sent the images below.

Full of excitement we wrote back to them and got the number and arranged pick up in Dundee the following morning.

And yes, we can confirm that GARY’s BACK!

The silver‘back’ was found on the A92 between Dundee and Arbroath.

but it wasn’t quite the wholesome reunion we were expecting.

There was a crucial piece of this ‘monkey puzzle’ still missing

Last year Gary’s abduction started a hunt of Ape-ic proportions. We were blown away by the publics support. Now, in trying to disguise Gary further, he has only become more recognisable. So we are now asking, anyone with any information on the whereabouts of Gary’s better half, please contact us at Reynard Nursery.

We had nearly given up hope, but with thanks to BEAR Scotland, and the criminals disregard to the laws of Fly Tipping, we feel we are now closer than ever to Bringing ALL of Gary home!