Gardening Tips

In July, there’s hope of some summer sunshine returning despite a continuing cool, cloudy and at times wet summer so far. It should still be a lovely month because there’s so much flowering in the garden so take the time to enjoy the colour, scent, and the insect activity. Here’s to brighter and warmer days in July and August though so we can get out and relax a bit more.

Here are some gardening jobs for July to keep things looking their best..


To keep your garden as colourful and full of blooms as possible keep deadheading away, particularly, bedding plants, herbaceous plants, dahlias, sweet peas, and of course roses. It really is the best way to encourage repeat flowering. Once roses have finished their first flush it is worth giving them a good feed too. This will promote further flowering and it helps plants withstand pests and diseases. 


Plants in the ground will likely be fine unless recently planted. But pots and hanging baskets also benefit from regular watering and feeding, especially in drier weather. On many occasions rain water will run off the foliage without reaching the soil, so keep an eye on your pots and hanging baskets. It is always best to water in the cool of the morning or evening rather than the heat of the day. 

Lawn Care

If we have a dry spell raise the blades on your mower. Longer grass copes better with dry conditions and recovers quicker than shorter grass. Apply a spring/summer fertiliser to keep the lawn healthy if you haven’t already to keep it healthy, green and lush.

Veg Patch

Watering and feeding is also a theme in the vegetable patch. Tomatoes should start to fruit this month. Keep the plants well supported and remove side shoots regularly. Feed every week for a bumper crop. Never let grow bags dry out as it can be difficult to re-wet them thoroughly. Continue to sow salad crops outside for a succession of tasty and colourful leaves.